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Order Personal Details

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Contact Number:
Email Address:
Delivery Options:
Please note: Door to Door sometimes charges extra R50 for HI Risk areas, we will contact you if so
We recommend PEP Store Paxi if you stay in villages without streetname or number
Door to Door Courier (R110) 4 - 5 Work days
Door to Door Courier (R160) 2 - 3 Work days
Paxi PEP Store Collect (R120) 2 - 5 Work days
Paxi PEP Store Collect (R70) 5 - 10 Work days
Delivery Address:
Payment Method:
PayFast - Pays now with no queues and saving you time.
Direct deposit: Is sending money via EFT or ATM or Bank and need to send proof of payment to confirm order

Please read our sweet and short terms and conditions before placing your order: Here

Place your order

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